Our Mission

The Student Chapter of the Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) at Johns Hopkins University strive to raise awareness of photo-optical research at JHU, improve professional development and career opportunities for SPIE members, and promote photo-optical science in local community.

SPIE Code of Ethics

The Mission/Vision Statement of SPIE, the International Society for Optics and Photonics states that SPIE partners with researchers, educators, and industry to advance light-based research and technologies for the betterment of the human condition. It is the purpose of this statement to advance this vision by presenting ethical guidelines for society members, collaborators, and participants to abide by in their professional lives.


1. Discrimination based on race, religion, gender, age, disability, or sexual orientation is not acceptable.
2. Individual and public safety and welfare should be considered paramount in performance of professional duties.
3. Real and potential conflict of interest should be avoided and disclosed to all impacted parties when it cannot be avoided.
4. Technical knowledge and skills should be kept up-to-date and work should be performed in areas of competency.
5. Public statements should be realistic and issued in an objective and truthful manner based on available data.
6. Professional confidentiality should be maintained.
7. Accomplishments, publications, professional honors and titles should be accurately reported.

See full version of SPIE Code of Ethics.

2014~2015 Officers

President: Jessica Mavadia-Shukla
Jessica is a 5th year graduate student pursuing a Ph.D in biomedical engineering. Currently she works in Dr. Xingde Li’s lab, focusing on Endoscopic Optical Coherence Tomography. Optical Coherence Tomography is a rapidly emerging biomedical technology that uses light to perform real-time, 3D volumetric imaging of internal organs. She is among the founders of the SPIE Student Chapter at Hopkins. Outside of lab, she enjoys watching anime and movies and experiments with cooking.
Vice President: Hao Dang
Hao is a 5th year PhD student in the Department of Biomedical Engineering and a graduate research assistant in the I-STAR lab. Supervised by Dr. Jeffrey H. Siewerdsen and Dr. J. Webster Stayman, Hao's PhD work focus on advanced statistical CT image reconstruction. His previous work at Hopkins include integrating a Siemens C-arm imaging system with real-time tracking for surgical guidance, and working with a surgical robot (NeuroMate) for robot-assisted skull base surgery. He has been a student member of SPIE since 2013. Tennis, hiking, and photography are Hao's favorites in his spare time.
Secretary: Wenxuan Liang
Wenxuan is a 5th year PhD student in Biomedical Engineering. He works in Dr. Xingde Li's lab, focusing on Multiphoton microscopy.
Treasurer: Jennifer Xu
Jennifer is a PhD student in Biomedical Engineering at Hopkins. Her PhD project involves the development, characterization, and modeling of photon counting detectors and new methods for photon counting spectral (dual-energy) CT. She previously worked on the technical assessment of a new cone-beam CT scanning system for ENT and maxillofacial imaging undergoing trials at Johns Hopkins Hospital.
Adviser: Xingde Li
Dr. Li is a professor in the Department of Biomedical Engineering and Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. He is a fellow of OSA, SPIE and AIMBE. Dr. Li is among the founders of the SPIE Student Chapter at Hopkins, and currently serves as the faculty adviser for the student chapter.

       Past Officers

           2013~2014 Officers
           President: Carmen Kut
           Vice President: Jessica Mavadia-Shukla
           Secretary: Jiefeng Xi
           Adviser: Xingde Li

Chapter Member Benefits

1. Chapter Activity Grant: Members are highly encouraged to suggest a variety of chapter activities. Many activities can be sponsored by the annual chapter activity grant from SPIE. Example activities include:
- Organize an informal lecture with a popular professor from the department
- Organize a student lecture series
- Invite an industry or academic speaker
- Tour optics industry facilities
- Host a public lab tour for community members
- Create and maintain a Chapter web page
- Organize a job fair
- Work with teachers to improve their optics knowledge
- Promote optics to pre-university students: develop workshops, volunteer to supplement science and math education, organize a science fair
- Mentoring of secondary science and technology students
- Promote the optics/photonics academic program within the college/university

2. Alumni Advantage Program: When you graduate, you can still remain as an official chapter member by renewing your SPIE Membership. By doing this, you are also helping the chapter by increasing the chapter’s Activity Grant Funding eligibility. If you do not want to renew your SPIE Membership, you are also welcome to remain as an unofficial chapter member and participate all the activities organized by the chapter.

3. FOCUS Conference Grant: The Federation of Optics College and University Students (FOCUS) Conference Grant provides SPIE student leaders with the financial means necessary to organize a regional student leadership workshop that features a significant, non-technical professional development opportunity. Two FOCUS Conference Grants are awarded each year; at a grant maximum of $7,000 each. If you are interested in helping organize and/or you have ideas about organizing such a conference, please feel free to contact the Chapter Officers.

4. Optics Outreach Kit: The chapter receives one optics outreach kit per calendar year from SPIE. Right now the chapter has a kit named Light Blox Kit: International Year of Light Edition (see here for more info). Feel free to contact the Chapter Officers if you want to borrow it from the chapter.

5. Visiting Lecturer Program: A primary benefit of Membership in SPIE is the opportunity to interact with world-class scientists and engineers at the leading edge of technological advances in optics and photonics. SPIE provides Student Chapters and other approved regional organizations with up to $1500 USD per year to invite a speaker over to the campus to give a lecture and interact with students. If you are interested in inviting a visiting lecturer through the chapter, please email the speaker name to the Chapter Officers. The Chapter Officers will submit an SPIE Visiting Lecturer Request Form to SPIE for approval and help arrange the event. Invited speakers must be SPIE members to be eligible for this program. A list of people who volunteer as visiting lecturers can be found here.

SPIE Calendar of Events


2/24/2015: Announcing the JHU SPIE Student Mixer

Hi Everyone, we wanted to invite you all to a student Mixer. We have put in a doodle poll so you guys can choose which date best works for you. http://doodle.com/muckvyt8fv3itnaq. We want to make the JHU Student Chapter a successful one, so each and everyone of you is important to making this a success. For our first event we want to focus on a mixer (food and drinks provided!!), to get to know the new board members, fellow student members, and the agenda of our chapter. Please come and support the chapter!!

4/2/2015: Time & Location Set for the JHU SPIE Student Mixer

Thanks to everyone who responded we are really excited to host this mixer and see you all! I also included those who can't join to keep you all in the loop (and in case plans change!). We will all be in Clark 110 on Homewood Campus from 6:00 P.M. onwards tomorrow (4/3/2015) evening. See you all there!

4/22/2015: Please Nominate Your Favorite Visiting Lecturer for JHU SPIE Student Chapter

Hi Everyone, as you might already know, one benefit of the student chapter is that we can invite an industry or academic speaker to visit our university and give a lecture. This could be a perfect opportunity to learn from and communicate face-to-face with that expert. To utilize this benefit, we would like to pick one welcomed speaker within the Chapter. Therefore, we would like every member to suggest some speaker(s) to invite, and then each lab can discuss internally and come up with one final decision. Based on that, the Chapter will then vote to decide which speaker to invite and proceed with the invitation. The only eligibility requirement is that the speaker must be a current SPIE member. You can check a person's membership status by simply searching her/his name on the SPIE website. SPIE also has a list of volunteering visiting lecturers, which can be used as a reference, but we are NOT limited to that list. Please start the thinking and searching process, and let us know your lab's choice by emailing back by Apr. 30th.

5/27/2015: ZEISS company tour during SPIE Optical Systems Design

During the 2015 SPIE Optical Systems Design conference, ZEISS is opening its doors for members of SPIE student chapters and EOS student clubs. On a two-hour tour of the Corporate Research and Technology facility of Carl Zeiss, students will see the research and application labs, and a selection of projects. If you are planning on participating in SPIE Optical Systems Design, please contact info@spieeurope.org to sign up for a tour, indicating which of these three slots you would like to participate in: Tuesday, 8 September 2015: 9.00 – 11.30, 13.00 – 15.30, 15.00 – 17.30. Each group is limited to 15 participants – if you are not sure whether you can make it, please leave the slots free for students who can confirm.

6/24/2015: Please Vote for Your Preferred Visiting Lecturer

We would like to invite a speaker to JHU for a talk. Please choose the speakers that most interest you by filling out the poll. Visiting Lecturer Poll. Thanks for your contribution!

Contact Us

Please feel free to contact us anytime by sending an email to jhu_spie@jhu.edu. We will get back to you ASAP.